Write your demo in julia

Source code notebook compat Author Update time

Different from markdown format demo, source demo files are preprocessed so that it generates:

  1. assets such as cover image
  2. julia source file
  3. mardkown file
  4. jupyter notebook file

Links to nbviewer and source files are provided as well.


This entails every source file being executed three times: 1) asset generation, 2) notebook generation, and 3) Documenter HTML generation. If the generation time is too long for your application, you could then choose to write your demo in markdown format. Or you can disable the notebook generation via the notebook keyword in your demos, this helps reduce the runtime to 2x.

The conversions from source demo files to .jl, .md and .ipynb files are mainly handled by Literate.jl. The syntax to control/filter the outputs can be found here

x = 1//3
y = 2//5
x + y

Images can be loaded and displayed

using TestImages, ImageShow
img = testimage("lena")

The frontmatter is also written in YAML with only a leading #, for example:

# ---
# title: <title>
# cover: <cover>
# id: <id>
# date: 2020-09-13
# author: Johnny Chen
# julia: 1.3
# description: <description>
# ---

In addition to the keywords supported by markdown files, Julia format demos accept one extra frontmatter keyword: julia. It allows you to specify the compat version of your demo. With this, DemoCards would:

  • throw a warning if your demos are generated using a lower version of Julia
  • insert a compat version badge.

The warning is something like "The running Julia version 1.0.5 is older than the declared compatible version 1.3.0."

Another extra keyword is notebook, it allows you to control whether you needs to generate jupyter notebook .ipynb for the demo. The valid values are true and false. See also Override default values with properties on how to disable all notebook generation via the properties entry.


You should be careful about the leading whitespaces after the first #. Frontmatter as weird as the following is not guaranteed to work and it is very likely to hit a YAML parsing error.

# title: <title>
#  cover: <cover>
#  id: <id>
# description: <description>

Comments are allowed before frontmatter, but it would only be appeared in the julia source codes. Normally, you may only want to add magic comments and license information before the YAML frontmatter.

This page was generated using DemoCards.jl and Literate.jl.