
This page is a brief introduction on the internal core types provided by DemoCards.jl. Generally, you don't need to use them directly, but knowing them helps you to better organize and configure your demo pages. For detailed description, please refer to the Package References.


DemoPage is the root type in DemoCards.jl, everything else is contained in it directly or indirectly.

You can configure your DemoPage by maintaining a config.json file, supported configuration keys are:

  • "order": specify the section orders. By default, it's case-insensitive alphabetic order.
  • "title": specify the title of this demo page.
  • "theme": specify the index theme to use.
  • "template": filename to template that will be used to generate the index page. This option doesn't work if "theme" is unconfigured or is "nothing", in which case no index page will be generated.

A valid template is a markdown file that contains one and only one {{{democards}}}. For example,

# Examples

This page contains a set of examples for you to start with.


Contributions are welcomed at [DemoCards.jl]( :D

Here's an example of config.json for DemoPage:

    "template": "",
    "theme": "grid",
    "order": [

Key template has higher priority over other keys. For example, if you provide both template and title in your config.json and the template file happens to have a title, title in config.json will be suppressed.


DemoSection defines the structure of your demo page. It has the following fields:

  • cards: holds a list of demo cards.
  • subsections: holds a list of demo subsections.

A DemoSection can't directly holds both cards and subsections; either of them should be empty vector.

Similar to DemoPage, you can configure your DemoSection by maintaining a config.json file, supported configuration keys are:

  • "order": specify the cards order or subsections order. By default, it's case-insensitive alphabetic order.
  • "title": specify the title of this demo section.
  • "description": words that would rendered under the section title.

The following is an example of config.json:

    "title": "learn by examples",
    "description": "some one-line description can be useful.",
    "order": [

🚧 Unlike DemoPage, a DemoSection does not yet support "theme" and "template" keys. A drawback of this design is that you have to put template contents into the "description" key, even if it contains hundreds of words.

Demo card

In simple words, a demo card consists of a link to its content and other relavent informations. In "grid" theme, it looks just like a card.

Depending on how your demos are written, there are two types of demo cards:

JuliaDemoCards are julia files that are specially handled by DemoCards to generate associated assets, for example, markdown files (.md) and jupyter notebooks (.ipynb).


Currently, there're two special names used in DemoCards.jl:

  • assets is a preserved name for DemoCards.jl to escape preprocessing
  • config.json is used to tell DemoCards.jl more informations of current folder.

To free you from managing/re-organizing demo structure, some decisions are made here:

  • maintain a config.json in each folder
  • always use relative path
  • all information is supplementary and hence optional

If you've specified orders in config.json, then for every new demos, you need to add its filename to order. DemoCards.jl isn't smart enough to guess what you really want.